15 December 2021 @ 10:45-11:45
Higher Education as a driving force for Technology and Entrepreneurship: Opportunities and challenges for Cyprus

Evgenios C Evgeniou, CEO, PwC Cyprus
Evgenios is the CEO and Senior Partner of PwC Cyprus. He is also a member of the EMEA Leadership Team of PwC. He started his career with PwC in London in 1990 and was admitted to partnership in 2001. He has worked with PwC in London and on short secondment in Athens and Moscow.
Before becoming CEO, he was a member of the firm’s Executive Board, the Banking and Capital Markets Services leader and the HC leader. He was also a member of the management team for the Assurance practice of PwC in continental Europe.
Evgenios is a member of the National Board for Research and Innovation (NBRI), a member of the council of the University of Cyprus, a member of the Board of the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry, ICAEW contact member for Cyprus, Vice President of the Board of the Nicosia Chamber of Commerce and President of the Cyprus-Russia Business Association. He is a member of the Board of Junior Achievement Cyprus and member of the Advisory Board of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) at the University of Cyprus. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the Cyprus Investment Promotion Agency (CIPA) from 2011 until 2016.
Evgenios graduated from Imperial College London and he is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. He has attended leadership development programs of PwC.

Androulla Vasilliou, Vice President of the University of Cyprus Council
Androula Vassiliou studied Law and International Affairs in London. She practiced Law for 27 years. In 1996 she was elected for two consecutive terms, namely until 2006, Member of the Cyprus House of Representatives. In 2008 she was appointed European Commissioner for Health and in 2010 - 2014 European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport. She has always been and still is actively involved in a number of European and national organizations in the fields of education, culture, humanitarian and social. Since 2015 she is a member of the High Council of the European University Institute of Florence. She is Senior Vice President Of Europa Nostra, a member of the Board of Trustees and of the Ex Co of the Cyprus Institute and since recently, Vice President of the University of Cyprus. She has received honors from the Hellenic Republic, the French Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the International Olympic Committee and many national institutions and organizations. She is married to Dr George Vassiliou, former President of the RoC and they have three children.

Katerina Pramatari Associate Professor at Athens University of Economics and Business, Scientific Coordinator ACEin and Partner at Uni.Fund
Katerina Pramatari is founding partner at Uni.Fund, a Greek VC fund of €30M in the tech-transfer and innovation window of Equifund that invests in start-ups and spin-offs at pre-seed and seed stage, supporting the growth of new ventures and leveraging the hidden potential that exists in the Greek Universities, R&D and Tech Space.
Katerina has extensive entrepreneurial experience and has been the founder of two technology start-ups. She also serves as Associate Professor at the Department of Management Science and Technology of the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB) and is among the top European experts/academics in the fields of Internet-of-Things (IoT), retail and business analytics.
She is a key founder of ACEin, a leading University accelerator that has been awarded for bridging the corporate world with University start-ups. Over the last years she has supported various teams in the setup of their own ventures and has been among the initiators and supporters of various activities fostering youth entrepreneurship.

Professor Giorgos Chrysanthou, President of the University of Cyprus Entrepreneurship Council, Research Director CYENS
Yiorgos L. Chrysanthou is the Research Director of the Centre on Interactive Media, Smart Systems and emerging Technologies - CYENS Centre of Excellence. He is also a Professor at the Computer Science Department of the University of Cyprus. Yiorgos was educated in the UK (BSc and PhD from Queen Mary College, University of London) and worked for several years as a research fellow and a lecturer at University College London.
He has published over 80 papers in journals and international conferences on computer graphics and virtual reality and is a co-author of the book "Computer Graphics and Virtual Environments: From Realism to Real-Time", (Addison-Wesley 2001+ China Machine Press 2004). Yiorgos serves as an associate editor for the Journals Computer Graphics Forum and Computers and Graphics, and review editor for Frontiers in Robotics and AI (Specialty Section Virtual Environments).
He served as the local or overall coordinator of over 25 research projects, related his research interests, that lie in the general area of 3D Computer Graphics, recently focusing more on the development of algorithms for real-time AR and VR rendering, reconstruction of urban environments and computer animation.

Alexandros Charalambides, Associate Professor at Cyprus University of Technology and EIT Climate-KIC Cyprus Hub Coordinator
Dr Alexandros Charalambides (M) is a full-time Associate Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering of the Cyprus University of Technology and used to serve on the Board of Directors of the International Solar Energy Society (ISES). He has always been in favour of promoting entrepreneurship and bringing research and innovation to industry, and has won various business competitions, like the Cyprus Entrepreneurship Competition of the University of Cyprus, the Business Challenge of the Entrepreneurship Centre of Imperial College London, and more recently the Harry Otten Award in Innovation in Meteorology. He is the founder of Chrysalis LEAP, the first cleantech accelerator in Cyprus and for the past year, he has been managing the Maritime ClimAccelerator, co-funded by the EIT Climate-KIC.