Learning Kit (Arduino)

Available: 4/4
The Learning Kit is the first step for beginners in Arduino. With this kit you can learn some soldering tricks and practice programming principles. It includes basic components like resistors, LEDs, push buttons or an LCD, and a shield to mount and solder on it.
Once you have finished soldering the shield, you will be able to make simple applications, such as:
- Light up LEDs with push buttons.
- Measure temperature and display the value on the LCD.
- Change the key of a buzzer with push buttons.
- Make a Light Sensor Controlled LED using the LDR.
- Make an alarm clock using the RTC chip.
- Arduino UNO Rev.3 1
- USB Cable 1
- Power Adapter ACDC 12V 2A 1
- Box
- - Sticker 1
- - Tick Tock Shield 1
- - Buzzer 1
- - CAP Aluminium 100uF-16V 1
- - Temperature Sensor-10k 1
- - Photoresistor 10k 1
- - Resistor 10k-5%-1/4W 4
- - Resistor 220R-5%-1/4W 4
- - Resistor 4,7k-5%-1/4W 3
- - Blue male header vertical 2
- - Blue male header vertical 2
- - Blue female header vertical 1
- - Lithium-ion battery 3V-40mAh 1
- - SMD Battery Cell Holder Plastic 1
- - IC Driver 1
- - RTC Clock/Timing 1
- - IC Socket 2
- - Button top 3
- - Black round female header vertical 2
- - LED Green 1
- - LED Blue 1
- - LED Red 2
- - LED 7 segments red 1
- - Cristal 32,768kHz-12,5pF-20ppm-30k 1
- - Capacitor ceramic disc 1nF-50V-20% 2
- - Capacitor ceramic disc 100nF-25V 1
- - Starter shield PCB 1