
Student Innovators Competition 2018

What do you do when you encounter a problem?
Complain about it? Or see a great opportunity?
If it's the second you can call yourself an innovator and join Student Innovators 2018 competition!

Student Innovators 2018” is a competition in which teams and individuals of aspiring students have the opportunity to present creative ideas and innovative solutions in a 5-minute “pitch” presentation to a panel of judges and the audience. Winners will receive prizes, which include, mentorship by Cyprus Business Angels Network (CYBAN) to the team of their choice, free training by GrantXpert Consulting Ltd, access to the C4E makerspace, and possibly monetary awards. Competition winners will also be eligible for 2 C4E scholarships to attend the European Innovation Academy’s summer school in Italy or Portugal.

“Student Innovators 2018” aims at:
  • Fostering a culture of innovation, creativity, risk-taking and entrepreneurship within the student community;

  • Encouraging students who wish to engage in entrepreneurial activities, to present their ideas and receive feedback and mentorship;

  • Establishing a public forum where students of various University courses in innovation, entrepreneurship and creativity can present the results of selected team projects of high quality.

  • Training a steady stream of young aspiring entrepreneurs, who are capable of taking their ideas to the market or the society as new businesses or social ventures.

  • Generating a wave of new, well-educated and well-resourced entrepreneurs in Cyprus, for the benefit of the local, regional and national economies.

  • Open Call for Applications: April 3rd

  • Deadline for applications submission: April 25th

  • Announcement of Final Ten results: April 27th

  • Competition: May 4th, Room 010, Social Activities Centre, University of Cyprus

  • Centre for Entrepreneurship (C4E)

  • Aegean Airlines

  • Cyprus Business Angels Network (CYBAN)

  • GrantXpert Consulting Ltd

  • Centre for Entrepreneurship (C4E)

  • Department of Business and Public Administration University of Cyprus

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