'In today's knowledge-human economy the new asset class that becomes the main basis for productivity growth, wealth creation, and opportunity will be human capital-talent, skills, tacit know-how , empathy and creativity.' T. Friedman, Thank You for Being Late: An Optimist's Guide to Thriving in the Age of Accelerations
Editor: I. Tsioutsioumi
Welcome to the third issue of the C4E Bulletin!
The end of 2018 finds C4E having accomplished two major milestones of its strategic plan: a) the launching of the Program in Entrepreneurship, which received its first students working towards the Certificate in Entrepreneurship, and b) the opening of our Makerspace, which hosts a variety of hardware and software resources for rapid prototyping and media production. We have also undertaken two new initiatives, with encouraging results: a) The Entrepreneur in Residence Program, which brought to campus entrepreneurs and innovators from Cyprus and abroad, and b) the production of the first “Shaping the Future” video, which presents narratives of UCY research results with a potential for direct market or societal impact.
In the new year, C4E aspires to expand the outreach of its activities to more students and researchers of our community and beyond, based on experiences, successes and failures of previous years. We would like to thank all our sponsors, mentors, collaborators, and supporters, in Cyprus and abroad, and the members of the Council for Entrepreneurship for their service and support!
We would also like to welcome the new Chairman of the Council of Entrepreneurship, professor Yiorgos Chrysanthou, who was recently appointed to the position by the University of Cyprus Council, as well as the new representatives to the Council of Entrepreneurship, of the School of Economics and Business, associate professor Alexia Panayiotou and assistant professor Panos Markopoulos, both from the Department of Business and Public Administration. Taking this opportunity, we wish to express our warmest thanks and appreciation to associate professor George Kassinis, the founding chair of the Council of Entrepreneurship. George’s efforts in promoting Entrepreneurship at the University have been relentless, and his contributions to the strategy, decision making, and daily operations of the Centre have been instrumental. Many thanks also to professor Andreas Soteriou, who was a founding member of the Council until 2018 and a driving force behind the design and establishment of the Centre. We also would like to wish him every success in his new appointment as the Academic Director of the University Business Liaison Offices 2.0.
On behalf of the Centre for Entrepreneurship, i would like to extend to you and your families our best wishes for Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,
Prof. Marios D. Dikaiakos Director of the Centre for Entrepreneurship
Shaping the future: Featuring selected University of Cyprus Innovations 2018 (videos) - November 2018
In November 2018 the Centre for Entrepreneurship produced a first series of videos featuring narrative of selected University of Cyprus innovations and the University’s efforts towards bringing its inventions to the market. A follow up activity of our IEF2017 Research Capacity Exhibition intending to highlight research results with commercialization potential and practical impact; attract potential collaborators and partners and stimulate partnerships for research and innovation and research commercialization. Furthermore it is an effort to position the University of Cyprus in the correct spectrum of awareness of potential sponsors and investors and at the same time demonstrate the contribution our research can offer to social improvement, the economy and society.
You can see the entire video here . The video is available online through our YouTube channel and the University's Video on demand device.
Sections of the video are also available in the 4 following categories and can be viewed at:
Biomedical Engineering
Information Technology, Communications & Devices
Smart Infrastructures
Energy & Clean-Tech
Developing the Skills with PwC – Fall Semester 2018
Within the framework of the cooperation between C4E and PwC Cyprus, 3 workshops have been organized for the Fall Semester 2018 as part of the ΚΕΠ 101Series of Lectures on Innovation and Entrepreneurship: (1) Incorporating a Business - Accounting aspects, (2) Accounting for non-accountants and (3) Introduction to Negotiation Skills. The workshops were given by Marilena Shakalli Maroudia and Michalis Stavrides. The workshops attracted audience from the University's administration unit, researchers, faculty and students. New workshops scheduled for the 2019 Spring Semester to be announced soon including ‘Introduction to Negotiation Skills Part 2’. All PwC workshops are open to the public with limited seat availability.

Entrepreneur in Residence Dr Philippos Patsalis - 17 & 18 September 2018
On November 7 2018, C4E organized a Field Trip Workshop to Limassol Port and Marina within the framework of the Entrepreneurs in Residence program. The trainer – EiR was Ms Xenia I. Loizidou,Co-Founder & Director, Isotech - Civil/Coastal Engineer. The workshop was well attended by students and people from the C4E Network. Ms Loizidou stressed that Blue Entrepreneurship is still not listed in the Cypriot development agenda and it would be remarkably advantageous to be initiated through the education system as it is an important factor for the sustainable development. Cyprus as an island has plenty of fertile opportunity and space for the development of new innovative activities. See the FieldTrip video describing the activity.
C4E Makerspace, a collaborative work space for making, learning, exploring and sharing is now open for all the university community and interested public. The opening was launched with a training event ‘Take Shape: 3D Printing Workshop’, co-organized with FabLabAthens and the GFOSS – Open Technologies Alliance which comprises by 36 Universities and Research Centers as shareholders including the University of Cyprus. Trainers were Theodoros G. Karounos, researcher at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), School of Electrical and Computer Engineering and representative of NTUA at EELLAK, Marilena Georgantzi architect and set designer and Daphne Arnellou architect, set designer, specialized in Intelligent Constructions. During the event, associate professor Loukas Louka of the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering gave a short presentation about manufacturing facilities and training and support resources available through the Department.
In November 2018 an Intelligent Industrial Grade Training Robot, the DOBOT Magician was added to the Makerspace equipment. DOBOT is a multifunctional desktop robotic arm for practical training education. Installed with different end-tools, DOBOT Magician can realize interesting functions such as 3D printing, laser engraving, writing and drawing. It supports secondary development by 13 extensible interfaces and over 20 programming languages.
Α first come, first served policy applies when it comes to utilizing tools and equipment of the Makerspace with specific policies and safety guidelines which can be viewed on the website. The C4E Makerspace is located in room 105, XOD 02, University Campus. To see more about the makerspace's please visit: https://c4e.org.cy/makerspace
Science Communication Events with Quentin Cooper - October 2018
Quentin Cooper, a famous science journalist and facilitator, who presented BBC Radio 4's Material World, was guest of the Centre for Entrepreneurship in October. Quentin is recognized as one of the most familiar and popular UK voices of science and technology. Quentin was the initiator and trainer of the workshop ‘Sharing Your Vision: Communicating Convincingly’ held in the University of Cyprus on October 24th and on October 25th at RISE - Research centre on Interactive media, Smart systems and Emerging technologies. This workshop focused on all aspects of science-related public speaking, from being interviewed to giving presentations on how to describe complicated, technical research results in clear, jargon-free language and write sound and persuasive opinion pieces. In the afternoon of October 25, Quentin gave a public lecture on ‘The Image of Scientists’ at the A. G. Leventis Gallery. The lecture was open to the public and was hosted by RISE.
For more information click here
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The ABCD of Transformational Technologies in business: spotlight on blockchain – September 26
How Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Cyber and Data analytics are currently transforming businesses and the work of finance professionals, how blockchain technologies are disrupting traditional business processes and how the profession and regulators are approaching crypto currencies? A very interesting and well-timed lecture for our community, organized together with the Department of Accounting and Finance, the Department of Computer Science of the University of Cyprus and ICAEW, the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.
After the lecture a networking event with Professional Services Firms followed, where students and faculty had the chance to exchange views and discuss.
More information here
The story of Harry Hatzakis Founder and CEO of Biotronics3D, who at a time of extraordinary change in healthcare, he and his team created and used new business, technology and philanthropic models to drive growth. Hatzakis presented how Biotronics3D not only survived the embryonic phase of a technology startup but also how the innovation crossed the market chasm from early adopters to mainstream markets and how they secured the first “thousand users” contracts. By doing that he defined the company as the market leader of the cloud computing in medical imaging, and changed the way Doctors use software application.
Watch the full story here
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EPO Exploiting IP at Universities: European progress Conference 2018 Athens –
October 2018

Tus Holdings Co Ltd and the Centre for Entrepreneurship MoU - October 2018
TusPark is the largest technology park of China, established by Tsinghua University in Beijing, with many spin-off companies and science parks in China, the US, Europe, Africa and Asia. It is worth mentioning that at the meeting of the Cypriot delegation with Deputy Minister of Science and Technology of China, Mr Zhang Jianguo, the Minister expressed his pleasure on the UCY-TusPark collaboration, which he considered a central element in promoting China-Cyprus cooperation.

The Programme consists of two independent stages. STAGE A is preparatory, while the second stage, STAGE B, refers to the actual investment for the exploitation of research, technological development and innovation results. The present Call for Proposals refers to the STAGE A of the Programme and supports the development of activities that lead to a business plan for the commercial exploitation of results generated from research activities. It also supports preparatory actions for product refinement, development of a business strategy, promotion and access to finance.
Call Total Budget: €270.000
Eligibility for Participation:
Researchers/Research Centers/Institutions
Local Authorities
State-owned Enterprises
All general rules and procedures for the participation of organisations and individuals, the eligible activities and costs, as well as the specific information regarding the RESTART 2016-2020 Programmes, are included in the RESTART 2016-2020 Work Programme, which is the basic reference document and an important information source for interested parties and can be found on the Research Promotion Foundation’s IRIS (Innovation Research Information System) Portal.